Sample implementation of HOTP and TOTP One Time Passwords (OTP) in C# with .NET Core
This includes an example of bacis caching which can easily be tied into an IMemoryCache instance for web usage.
Gist available at* * Copyright (C) 2016 BravoTango86 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using static OtpAuthenticator; public class OtpAuthenticator : IDisposable { public ICachingProvider CachingProvider { get; set; } public int CodeLength { get; set; } = 6; public long HotpCounter { get; set; } = 0; public int TotpInterval { get; set; } = 30; public long TotpTimeOffsetSeconds { get; set; } = 0; private OtpType Type; private HMAC HMAC; public OtpAuthenticator(OtpType type, OtpAlgorithm algorithm = OtpAlgorithm.SHA1, byte[] key = null) { HMAC = GetHMAC(algorithm, key ?? GenerateKey(algorithm)); Type = type; } public bool VerifyOtp(string code, byte[] challenge = null, int forward = 1, int back = 1) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) || code.Length != CodeLength || (CachingProvider != null && !CachingProvider.ValidateToken(code))) return false; long State = GetState(-back); List<string> Tried = new List<string>(); for (int I = 0; I <= (forward + back); I++) { string Code = GetOtp(state: State + I, challenge: challenge); Tried.Add(code); if (Code == code) { if (CachingProvider != null) CachingProvider.CancelTokens(Type, Tried); if (Type == OtpType.HOTP) HotpCounter = State + I + 1; return true; } } return false; } private long GetState(int offset) { return (Type == OtpType.HOTP ? HotpCounter : (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds() + TotpTimeOffsetSeconds) / TotpInterval) + offset; } public string GetOtp(int offset = 0, byte[] challenge = null) { return GetOtp(GetState(offset), challenge); } private string GetOtp(long state, byte[] challenge = null) { byte[] Input = BitConverter.GetBytes(state); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) Array.Reverse(Input); if (challenge != null) { Array.Resize(ref Input, Input.Length + challenge.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(challenge, 0, Input, 8, challenge.Length); } byte[] Hash = HMAC.ComputeHash(Input); int offset = Hash[Hash.Length - 1] & 0xf; int binary = ((Hash[offset] & 0x7f) << 24) | ((Hash[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 16) | ((Hash[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 8) | (Hash[offset + 3] & 0xff); return (binary % (int)Math.Pow(10, CodeLength)).ToString(new string('0', CodeLength)); } public string GetIntegrityValue() { return GetOtp(0); } public static string GetUri(OtpType type, byte[] key, string accountName, string issuer = "", OtpAlgorithm algorithm = OtpAlgorithm.SHA1, int codeLength = 6, long counter = 0, int period = 30) { StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(); SB.AppendFormat("otpauth://{0}/", type.ToString().ToLower()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issuer)) SB.AppendFormat("{0}:{1}?issuer={0}&", Uri.EscapeUriString(issuer), Uri.EscapeUriString(accountName)); else SB.AppendFormat("{0}?", Uri.EscapeUriString(accountName)); SB.AppendFormat("secret={0}&algorithm={1}&digits={2}&", Base32.Encode(key), algorithm, codeLength); if (type == OtpType.HOTP) SB.AppendFormat("counter={0}", counter); else SB.AppendFormat("period={0}", period); return SB.ToString(); } public string GetUri(string accountName, string issuer = "") { return GetUri(Type, HMAC.Key, accountName, issuer = "", (OtpAlgorithm)Enum.Parse(typeof(OtpAlgorithm), HMAC.HashName), CodeLength, HotpCounter, TotpInterval); } public override string ToString() { return GetUri("OtpGenerator"); } public static byte[] GenerateKey(OtpAlgorithm algorithm) { return GenerateKey(GetHashLength(algorithm)); } public static byte[] GenerateKey(int length) { using (RandomNumberGenerator RNG = RandomNumberGenerator.Create()) { byte[] Output = new byte[length]; RNG.GetBytes(Output); return Output; } } public void Dispose() { HMAC.Dispose(); } private static HMAC GetHMAC(OtpAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] key) { switch (algorithm) { case OtpAlgorithm.MD5: return new HMACMD5(key); case OtpAlgorithm.SHA1: return new HMACSHA1(key); case OtpAlgorithm.SHA256: return new HMACSHA256(key); case OtpAlgorithm.SHA512: return new HMACSHA512(key); } throw new InvalidOperationException(); } private static int GetHashLength(OtpAlgorithm algorithm) { switch (algorithm) { case OtpAlgorithm.MD5: return 32; case OtpAlgorithm.SHA1: return 20; case OtpAlgorithm.SHA256: return 32; case OtpAlgorithm.SHA512: return 64; } throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } public enum OtpType { HOTP = 0, TOTP = 1 } public enum OtpAlgorithm { MD5 = 10, SHA1 = 1, SHA256 = 2, SHA512 = 3 } public interface ICachingProvider { void CancelToken(OtpType type, string token); void CancelTokens(OtpType type, IEnumerable<string> tokens); bool ValidateToken(string token); } public class LocalCachingProvider : ICachingProvider { private List<string> Used = new List<string>(); public void CancelToken(OtpType type, string token) { Used.Add(token); } public void CancelTokens(OtpType type, IEnumerable<string> tokens) { Used.AddRange(tokens); } public bool ValidateToken(string token) { return !Used.Contains(token); } }
Borrowing the barcode generator from before...
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Console.WindowWidth = 86; Console.WindowHeight = 44; StringRenderer Renderer = new StringRenderer() { Block = " ", Empty = "\u2588\u2588", NewLine = "\n ", }; EncodingOptions Options = new EncodingOptions { Height = 0, Width = 0, Margin = 1 }; using (OtpAuthenticator Authenticator = new OtpAuthenticator(OtpType.TOTP) { CachingProvider = new LocalCachingProvider() }) { Console.WriteLine("\n{1}{0}{1}", BarcodeGenerator.Generate(Renderer, Authenticator.GetUri("Test Account", "OTPGenerator"), Options), Renderer.NewLine); while (true) { string Code = Console.ReadLine(); if (Authenticator.VerifyOtp(Code)) Console.WriteLine("Code Accepted"); else Console.WriteLine("Code Invalid"); } } }
...and scanning the generated barcode with Google Authenticator, we can check it works: